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Genomic Testing – The Key to Knowing Your Cancer

Just as every patient is unique, so is every tumor. And when your doctor orders genomic testing, they’re actually searching for the specific key to unlocking which treatment approach may be most appropriate for you.

Unlike a genetic test, which assesses your hereditary risk for cancer, a genomic test looks at your cancer tissue to provide information on how your specific tumor might behave. It identifies changes in DNA that may be driving the growth of your tumor, as well as other vital information, such as how likely your cancer is to spread.

How genomic testing works

Step 1

In most cases, the tissue from your original biopsy is sent to our lab and no extra procedures are required.

Step 2

Test results are sent to your doctor.

Step 3

You and your doctor review the results together to choose which treatment will be most appropriate for you.

See how we can help with your specific cancer

Discover more about the genomic test that your doctor may have already ordered for you. Plus, learn what to expect from the test results, hear patient stories, watch videos, get answers to FAQs, and more.

Tests are widely accessible, with $0 to minimal out-of-pocket costs for most patients*

At Exact Sciences, we’re working hard to ensure that you have access to what you need to make confident, informed decisions about your cancer treatment.

Real Patients, Real Stories

  • Meet Deepa

    A surgeon diagnosed with node negative, invasive breast cancer who used the Oncotype DX Breast Recurrence Score test to help inform a decision to not get chemotherapy.

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