After a diagnosis of non-invasive stage 0 breast cancer (called ductal carcinoma in situ [DCIS]), you and your doctor will need to determine the next steps in your treatment. The Oncotype DX Breast DCIS Score® test provides a score that indicates the probability of whether your cancer will recur and if radiation therapy is right for you.
Watch this short video to see learn more about the Oncotype DX Breast DCIS Score® test.
Which treatment is right for you? Your tumor knows
Just as every patient is different, so is every tumor. The DCIS Score test uses genomics to give you and your doctor important risk information about how your individual tumor will likely behave. And although DCIS is an early, non-invasive form of breast cancer—and rarely life threatening—the DCIS Score test provides valuable insights, including:
- The 10-year risk of your tumor coming back in the same breast as another DCIS tumor
- The 10-year risk of your cancer coming back as invasive breast cancer
- Whether you may benefit from radiation therapy
Reasons to get the DCIS Score test:
Tests show that tumors with similar clinical features do not necessarily have the same local recurrence risk.
Your DCIS Score result predicts how likely your cancer is to return. Based on a very low score, you may feel comfortable avoiding aggressive surgery or radiation, or vice versa if your score is high.
Without the DCIS Score test, doctors can only estimate how likely your cancer is to return by looking at factors such as margin width, tumor size, and tumor grade.

Is the DCIS Score test right for you?
You may be a candidate for the breast DCIS Score test if you meet both of these criteria:
- You’ve been recently diagnosed with DCIS and are making treatment decisions with your doctor
- You’ve had a lumpectomy or biopsy
NOTE: If you’ve been diagnosed with stage I-IIIA invasive breast cancer, you may be eligible for the Oncotype DX Breast Recurrence Score® test.
Learn about the DCIS Score testing process
In their own words: Stories from patients with non-invasive DCIS breast cancer
See FAQs and videos about the DCIS Score test
financial responsibility for DCIS Score test when Medicare fee-for-service (FFS) coverage criteria are met
Medicare Advantage, which is provided by commercial insurance companies, may have different financial responsibility compared to Medicare FFS.
Learn about costs, coverage, and how Exact Sciences can help
Additional Notes
*Images may not be of actual patients or healthcare providers.