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The Oncotype DX Colon Recurrence Score® test

Testing process

The Colon Recurrence Score® test is performed on the tumor tissue that’s already been removed from your colon.

Once it has arrived at the Exact Sciences lab,* the tissue undergoes the genomic Colon Recurrence Score test to measure the activity of the group of cancer-related genes that are in your tumor tissue. The activity of these genes can provide important information about how your specific tumor might behave in the future, including:

  • How likely your tumor is to come back
  • How likely your tumor is to spread
  • How likely it is that you will need chemotherapy to fight the cancer

Has your doctor ordered a genomics test for you?

This short video can help you understand how the results can help you with your cancer treatment decision.

Talking to your doctor about the Colon Recurrence Score test

Like other lab tests, the Colon Recurrence Score test must be ordered by a licensed healthcare provider (like your doctor). However, the decision about whether you should have the Colon Recurrence Score test is one that you and your doctor make together.

Not sure how to start the conversation? The following are some questions you can ask your doctor to better understand your cancer:

  • How can I get a copy of my pathology report?
  • How large is my tumor? What stage is it?
  • Is my colon cancer still localized, or has it spread to my lymph nodes or other areas of my body?
  • What is the mismatch repair (MMR) status?
  • Is there a way to tell how quickly my cancer is growing?
  • What is the risk that my cancer will return after surgery?
  • What can I do to help prevent the return of my cancer?
  • Will I need chemotherapy? If so, what kind? What will the treatment be like?
  • Am I a candidate for the Colon Recurrence Score test or other diagnostic tests?
  • What information can the Oncotype DX® test(s) provide regarding my treatment options?

$0 financial responsibility for Colon Recurrence Score test when Medicare fee-for-service (FFS) coverage criteria are met

Medicare Advantage, which is provided by commercial insurance companies, may have different financial responsibility compared to Medicare FFS.