Clinical Evidence

No other genomic test is as validated to predict likelihood of chemotherapy benefit across multiple patient types, regardless of nodal status.1-5

A solid body of evidence validates prediction of chemotherapy benefit

The Oncotype DX Breast Recurrence Score® test is the only genomic test with Level 1 evidence for prognosis and prediction of chemotherapy benefit in patients with early-stage, hormone receptor-positive, invasive breast cancer.4,6-8

Clinical validation studies

In total, 4 validation studies—involving nearly 3,000 patients—have been performed. The studies showed that the Oncotype DX® test is4,6-8:

  • Strongly associated with the rate of distant recurrence
    A low Recurrence Score® result indicates a significantly lower rate of distant recurrence and a lower likelihood of chemotherapy benefit6,7
  • Predictive for likelihood of benefit from chemotherapy
    A high Recurrence Score® result indicates a higher rate of distant recurrence and predicts a significant benefit from chemotherapy4,8

The TAILORx + RxPONDER results elevate the Oncotype DX test to the next level of precision with the highest quality of evidence, giving you clear, meaningful results for more impactful conversations with patients about the magnitude of chemotherapy benefit.

TAILORx Trial1-4

10,273 patients
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Recurrence Score results


N0 patients can safely forgo chemotherapy

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RxPONDER Trial5,9-11

5,083 patients
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Recurrence Score results


Postmenopausal N1 patients do not benefit from chemotherapy
Premenopausal N1 patients modestly benefit from chemotherapy

View trial details See more n1 data

Proven to help patients with a low Recurrence Score result avoid chemotherapy

Several separate studies, with a total of more than 63,000 patients, found that patients with a low Recurrence Score result may be effectively treated with hormonal therapy alone and safely spared chemotherapy.1,12-18


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With prospective outcomes in over 100,000 patients—including over 12,000 node-positive patients2,4-8,19-22


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To be predictive of chemotherapy benefit in both node-positive and node-negative patients4,8


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In multiple studies with consistent results (level 1 evidence for risk of distant recurrence and prediction of chemotherapy benefit)2,4-8

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