How to Order a Test

Ordering an Oncotype DX® test and receiving the results is a straightforward process. Simply follow these 4 steps.

1Obtain specimen kit

Exact Sciences provides a specimen transportation kit box for each patient’s tissue sample. To request specimen transportation kit boxes, contact the Customer Service team at +866-ONCOTYPE (+866-662-6897)

Kit orders are usually processed within a day and received within 48 hours.

2Complete requisition form

  • Fill out each section of the requisition form completely. It's most efficient to complete your requisition form online

Download Requisition Form

3Submit sample

Exact Sciences can work directly with the pathology team (or the treating physician) to obtain a sample.

  • Choose the block with both the greatest amount (cross-sectional area) of highest-grade invasive breast carcinoma and when possible, the least amount of noninvasive mammary epithelium (in situ carcinoma, hyperplastic epithelium, normal epithelium)
  • If needle core biopsy is the optimal sample, submit it instead
  • Label all specimens with S barcode labels from the Oncotype DX specimen collection and transportation kit box for that patient

Download Pathology Guidelines

4Access test results

Most Recurrence Score reports are available within 2 weeks from the date we receive your patient’s sample in our laboratory. You can access the results through the online Provider Hub or receive the report by fax.

With Exact Sciences' online Provider Hub, ordering a test, tracking test progress, and accessing results is convenient and efficient.

  • Orders can be submitted online—virtually eliminating the need for follow-up calls to complete any missing information
  • All patient orders and results reports can be viewed, tracked, and sorted quickly
  • Orders and results reports may be viewed online, printed, or downloaded as PDFs

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